What do we do?

We rented a house, on the outskirts of Kampala, in Kireka, about 8 kms on the Jinja road, the one that goes to the source of the Nile. The house is large, but cannot accommodate more than 30 children and teachers. However, the Kireka house is the home of these children, and it is also the home to which those who have gone out return, either for a weekend, for a few vacations or to recover from problems or disappointments.

The aim of the project is to train people who are able to function and find work in their own country. Therefore, we provide them with education. Depending on their age, they go to different schools, whether primary, secondary or higher education. At the moment we have kids studying computer science at the University, or studying administration, hotel management, journalism, professional music, etc….

The tremendously therapeutic nature of music and dance has been crucial in helping the children. Rare is the day in the house when one of the groups we have formed is not rehearsing: Natumayini, Aba Taano, Af Ndanza, Neegro Quartet, or Los Ugandan Sticks.

The kids sing every day in the house under the direction of one of the teachers, before dinner, and every weekend there is dancing and sports…and the gym sessions that few Europeans would put up with are a mix of aerobics/zumba and ethnic dance.

The boys also perform when gigs come up in Uganda or Rwanda. But where they have acquired the great experience they have, is during the tours in Spain since 2005, where they have performed in 20 to 30 places on each tour.
