
Nansana is the small community where most of our kids come from. The first home they were chased out from was in Nansana. Therefore, most of the families of a big number of our kids live there. Or I should say, survive there. We help them, according to our possibilities by way of small amounts to create a shop, to set up some businesses, with money for food, medicines, treatments etc.. We also help paying the fees of certain courses or financing the school fees of various children.

The vital force and the head of the clan, is Mummy Florence. She is the one that everybody listen to. She is respected and loved and admired for her continuous hard work. All the kids who become orphans in the clan, end up with Mummy Florence. A few years ago, she created a kind of small cooperative where by each member would bring some very little money each Sunday and that money would be lent to one of the members to create or impulse a new business. She finds a lot of difficulty maintaining it…but she keeps fighting. Whatever happens to her or to any of them, whatever the suffering, Mummy Florence never loses the right track, she never gives up, no matter how tough it is. She always finds a solution for everyone. She is a real example!